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Paveshan Moodley



An immensely resilient and motivated professional, Paveshan Moodley has overcome considerable challenges to achieve his position as a Graduate in Finance & Accounting (Bachelor of Business Science - Chartered Accounting Stream) with UCT, skilled Lecturer / Tutor and passionate Community Servant / Mentor.

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Scottburgh High School

NSC. National Senior Certificate | 2009

• 2009-National Senior Certificate Top 60 Matriculants in KZN- Top 5 Learner in UGU District (Premier’s Award)
• 2007,2008,2009- Academic Honours/Summa Cum Laude
• Top Student in Mathematics. Accounting and Physical Science and the grade across all years -Various Other Awards

• 1 of 890 A Symbols in the Republic of South Africa for Physical Science in 2009 NSC Exams. This combined with my other NSC (NQF Level 4) marks allowed me to beat at least 95% of medical doctors and engineering entrants in the Republic of South Africa in 2009 due to the low numbers of A symbols in Physical Science, Mathematics (to lesser extent). (LinkClick/EWN News)2009

January 2007- December 2009

Scottburgh High School Academic Scholarship (“Bursary”)

Awarded for Academic Honours and being honoured to be part of the school and stay as part of the school to add value and carry future reputation of school. ZAR 3100 in 2007, annually same amount of scholarship adjusted for inflation.

January 2002-December 2002

Standard Bank Group Educational Assistance Scheme Scholarship (“Bursary”)

Awarded for Academic consistent academic achievement by Africa’s largest banking group, based on application process and adjudication towards academic studies at Scottburgh Primary School. ZAR 2000.

Scottburgh High School Awarded the Howlet Family Trophy for Proxime Accessit
Received the runner-up to DUX award at School, however performed better on Physical Sciences and Chemistry and Mathematics throughout School Career with first place awards in these subjects. Also finished with the higher mark in accounting in matric final examination (external examination UMALUSI).

Scottburgh High School Academic Honours/Summa Cum Laude Award
An honours student is a student at Scottburgh High School recognized for maintaining an 85% and above aggregate across their senior years of study (grade 10, 11 or 12), who is in good standing of conduct and who the academic committee also admits to be etched in the school’s honours roll based on agreement and consensus, announced annually at the main academic assembly of the year which is academic prize-giving. Graduating with honours in high school is a mark of a solid understanding of university education and demonstrates one can handle the rigours of university level education. A
student needs maximum commitment, time and hard work to one’s studies. Only a handle of students over the school’s history have received this award and made the honours roll, and thus it is only for high honours. It is a major milestone in an academic career. Skills required are demonstration of maturity and taking one’s studies seriously early on, besides top grades. The commitment is intense, and one needs to
approach the task with a seriousness of purpose. Motivation is important and for me my motivation was to study for a better life and escape poverty. I also took pride in doing my work with competence and to feel in charge of my own life and education. I was organized and took a systematic approach in having my books and assignments ready ahead of time. I would have diary planner with my deadlines and dates of when items were due. My
notes were always neat and up to date so that I could refer and study easily and would revise the day’s work on the day it was covered. My notes, materials were easily accessible. I had a routine and stuck to regular schedule of when I would sleep, study and participate in extra-curricular activities and do other things and this helped to put me in a proper mental space. This also helped to avoid distractions. I had dedicated study-spaces
to further avoid distractions. I attended every class in school despite potential distractions of friends, sports and other extra-curricular. I made notes in class on what was given, and asked teachers and friends and shared if there were things I did not know or could pass on. I tried to not multi-task and focus on studies as multi-tasking is counterproductive.
I also looked for every opportunity to grow my mind and learn from life through awareness and would bring these new skills to school each year to help me perform better at my studies. I scheduled down time during school holidays and after school to relax and regain my energy as an outgoing introvert. I also had to maintain not being discouraged through a bad grade or unable to give 200% always through being mature with the process. I tried to maintain a balance through extra-curricular activities,
eating well as much as I could, resting and reflecting. I want to a public South African school and had to also work far harder than fellow students who went to private schools and had access to more resources: learning materials, higher qualified teachers,
more developmental and extra-curricular activities.

January 1998- November 2009
Notable Track Record of Academic Awards and Special Achievements Across Schooling Career
(Scottburgh High School and Scottburgh Primary School)
First in Physical Science (Physical Science and Chemistry) in Grade 2009
Dedication in Accounting 2009
Outstanding work in Mathematics 2009
Excellent work in English 2009
Deursettingsvermoe en volgehoue harde werk in Afrikaans 2009
Consistently producing work of excellent quality in Life Sciences (Biology and Environmental
Sciences) 2009
Excellent Achievement in Life Orientation 2009
2nd in Grade 11 2009
1st in Grade for Mathematics 2008
1st in Grade for Physical Sciences (Physical Science and Chemistry) 2008
Awarded a Special Prize for Achievement in Physical Science (Physical Science and Chemistry) and
Mathematics in grade 11-year 2008
1st in the Grade Accounting, Grade 11 2008
1st in the Grade for Life Orientation, Grade 11 2008
Diligence in Life Sciences, Grade 11 2008
Writing and Passing the grade 11 Optional Mathematics Paper 2008
2nd in Grade 11 2008
1st in the Grade for Physical Sciences (Physical Science and Chemistry) 2007
Diligence in Mathematics and Life Orientation, Grade 10 2007
2nd in Grade 10 2007
1st in Grade 9V 2006
Academic Achievement 2006
Diligence in EMS, Technology, Life Orientation and 1st in English and Natural Sciences 2006
1st in Grade 9 2006
1st in History and EMS-Grade 8 2005
Diligence in English, Natural Sciences, Art and Culture and Progress in Mathematics-Grade 8 2005
Progress in Afrikaans-Grade 8 2005
3rd in Grade 8 2005
Academic Achievement-Grade 8 2005
Excellence in English, Mathematics, Natural Science and Technology, History, Social and Economic
and Management Sciences, Arts and Culture and Life Orientation-Grade 7 2004
Scottburgh Primary School-Flea Market Top 10-Outstanding Entrepreneurship-Grade 7 2004
Excellence in English, Mathematics, Natural Science and Technology, History, Social and Economic
and Management Sciences-Grade 6 2003
Achiever Certificate History- Grade 5-Spur Corporation (Pty) Ltd-Grade 5 2002
Excellence in English, Mathematics, Natural Science and Technology, History, Social and Economic
and Management Sciences, Arts and Culture and Life Orientation-Grade 5 2002
Excellence in English, Natural Science and Technology, History, Social and Economic and
Management Sciences, Arts and Culture and Life Orientation-Grade 4 2001
Outstanding Overall Achievement-Grade 3 2000
Outstanding Overall Achievement-Grade 2 1999
Excellent Achievement-Grade 1 1998
Excellent Work- Pre-Primary School 1996-1997

English Home Language

91.00 %


95.00 %

Afrikaans (FAL)

78.00 %

AP Mathematics

78.00 %


98.00 %

Sciences (Physics and Chemistry)

87.00 %

Life Sciences (Biology)

90.00 %

Life Orientation

87.00 %


Mark %


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