Deliwe Radebe
Bachelor of Commerce graduate with a specialization in Financial Accountancy seeking to utilize my knowledge in financial analysis, budgeting and forecasting and financial reporting in a dynamic and challenging environment.

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Nomsa Secondary School
NSC. National Senior Certificate | 2015
Being part of the top 10 learners from grade 8 -12, withholding position 2 and/or 1.
62.00 %
82.00 %
58.00 %
Business Studies
85.00 %
Life Orientation
72.00 %
English (FAL)
68.00 %
Sesotho Home Language
79.00 %
Mark %
Mark %
School Cultural.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Cultural Area 1
Level achieved 1
Description sport 1
Cultural Area 2
Level achieved 2
Description sport 2
School Sport.
Putting runs on the board.
Sport 1
Provincial level
Sport 2
Level achieved 2
Description sport 2
School Outreach.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Outreach Area 1
Description outreach 1
Outreach Area 2
Description outreach 2
School Awards.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Award 1
Description award 1
Award 2
Description award 2
Other Things to Note.
Yes, there's more.
*Public speaking and debate
School Leadership.
Taking Charge.
Leadership 1
Awards: Received a certificate for being a class representative lady from grade 8 -10
*Ensuring that the class adheres to school rules and regulations and promoting a culture of respect and responsibility.
*Representing the class in student council meetings and other school forums. This involves voicing the concerns, suggestions, and feedback of classmates.
*Helping to organize class events, meetings, and activities. This might include planning social events, fundraisers, or academic support sessions.
*Providing support to classmates, whether it's academic help, emotional support, or guidance on school policies and procedures.
Leadership 2
Description leadership 2
Award achieved 2
Work Experience.
Entering the working world.
Finance Intern
Finance Intern
Free State Dept of Education
2022-5-1 - 2022-9-29
• Cash, Revenue and Expenditure Section (01/05/2022 – 31/07/2022)
Prepare and post financial journal on BAS and allocation on Excel.
Performing cashier duties by receiving cash from individuals and issue an official receipt.
Timely preparation and capturing of receipts on BAS and securely dispatching of the money received to the bank and filling in the deposit book.
Verify financial journals for clarity and completion under direct supervision.
Utilize BAS to perform financial administration and prepare reports.
Disposed receipt books and indicated on the excel spreadsheet.
Utilizing the Basic Accounting System (BAS) to correctly process payment and prepare financial reports.
Able to compile a S&T claim using PERSAL.
Capturing of sundry payments, i.e NSNP, teacher assistant and other related payments on BAS.
Able to compile inter-departmental claims payments and allocations on excel.
Able to track payments on projects and contracts using BAS.
Payment report captured on a excel spreadsheet for quarterly and annual reports. Other ad hoc admin duties, i.e stamping of payments and invoices.
Provide registry counter services.
Handle incoming and outgoing payments in registry.
Rendered an effective filing and record service.
Maintenance of torn files.
• Debt Management Section (01/08/2022 – 30/10/2022)
Prepare and consolidate reports of debt using PERSAL and BAS.
Rendering support and assistance in controlling and maintaining current and new departmental debt.
Regularly implementing actions to recover outstanding debt from in service and out of service members.
Registering and preparing outgoing correspondence and processing all related accounting transactions.
Constant collaborating, liaising and communicating with the Chief Accounting Clerk in control of the Debt Section.
Utilize Basic Accounting System (BAS) to prepare debt reports.
Render administration support services to the section.
Handling of debt enquiries via telephone and emails.
Management of in-service debt.
On receipt of the debt report, necessary adjustments are made on BAS/PERSAL if applicable.
Recording and filing of all debtor’s administration related documentation and information for future reference and audit purposes.
• Salary Administration: Payroll (01/11/2022 – 31/01/2023)
Prepares and prints payroll documentation for distribution to relevant stakeholders.
Assist Departmental employees with enquiries regarding salaries, supplementary allowances, travelling & subsistence allowances, etc.
Utilize PERSAL for human resource management, payroll and reporting.
Maintains employee payroll records / file using valid source documents.
Capture and verify relevant transactions on the payroll system.
Utilize BAS to perform financial administration and prepare financial reports.
• Secretary to the Financial Accounting Director (01/02/2023 – 30/04/2023)
Provides a secretarial/receptionist support service to the office of the director.
Managing diary, travelling arrangements and processing of claims.
Performs advanced typing work.
Ensures the effective flow of information and documents to and from the office of the director.
Receives telephone calls and decides to whom the call should be forwarded to.
Ensures the safe keeping of all documentation in the office of the director in line with the relevant legislation and policies.
Respond to enquiries received from internal and external stakeholders.
Filing of documents.
• Loss control and irregular expenditure office (01/05/2023 – 31/07/2023)
Prepare irregular expenditure file.
Request disbursement reports on BAS.
Requested payments from registry and made copies for the preparations of irregular expenditure.
Prepared theft and losses files for the Loss Committee meeting and made copies.
• Salary administration: Registry (01/08/2023 – 30/09/2023)
Retrieval, filing and sorting of salary files.
Filing and sorting of advice (fuel claims, Z56, policies cancellation forms, garnishee orders, etc)
Opening of new volumes/files.
Maintenance of torn files.
Attending salary request form.
Attending register book for outgoing and incoming files.
Metsimaholo local municipality
2023-10-1 - Present
• SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT SECTION 01/10/2023 – 30/09/2024
Receiving of requisition from the relevant end-user to check completeness and compliance.
Prepare notice according to the relevant user department specifications.
Compile bid/quotation documentation and advertisements.
Capture purchase requests from end-user department.
Compile bid specification committee agendas and minutes of the meeting.
Prepare newspaper advertisement according to the specifications.
Capture all approved purchase requests from user department and submit for approval from the SCM manager and CFO (document system).
Ensure availability of documents for audit purposes.
Opening of tenders
Sourcing of quotations
Capturing employees’ monthly input
Processing and adjusting hours
Calculating long-service bonus & leave pay-out
Attending employees’ queries
Printing and distributing pay slips
Preparing salary payment files
Preparing 3rd party payment files
Preparing SARS payment file
Preparing 3rd party payment schedules and sending them
Attending medical aid discrepancies
Compiling monthly reports (cost to company, overtime, basic salary)
Courses Completed.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Course Name 3
Course Name 2
Course Name 1
Course Provider
Date Completed
Course Provider
Date Completed
Course Provider
Date Completed
Entrepreneurial Pursuits.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Company Name
Not applicable for this candidate.
Language 1
Proficiency 1
Language 2
Proficiency 2
Language 3
Proficiency 3
Not applicable for this candidate.
Skill 1
Proficiency 1
Skill 2
Proficiency 2
Skill 3
Proficiency 3
Other Things to Note.
Not applicable for this candidate.
University Academic.
Undergraduate Degree
North-West University
BCom Financial Accounting
Academic Average: 53.00%
Graduation Date: 2020-5-4
Postgraduate Degree
Postgraduate University
Postgraduate Degree Name
Mark %
Graduation Date
Award Info Postgraduate
Masters Degree
Masters University
Masters Degree Name
Mark %
Graduation Date
Award Info Masters
University Cultural.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Cultural Area 1
Level achieved 1
Description sport 1
Cultural Area 2
Level achieved 2
Description sport 2
University Sport.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Sport 1
Level achieved 1
Description sport 1
Sport 2
Level achieved 2
Description sport 2
University Outreach.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Outreach Area 1
Outreach Area 2
Description outreach 1
Description outreach 2
University Awards.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Award 1
Award 2
Description award 1
Description award 2
Other Things to Note.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Description other
University Leadership.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Leadership 1
Description leadership 1
Award achieved 1
Leadership 2
Award achieved 2
Description leadership 2
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