Tadiwanashe Jombo Chiwanza
I am an optimistic, introverted foodie who loves learning and connecting with people. Well known for my reliability, I am driven by my passion for helping others. Inspired by MLK's quote, I embrace change and take one step at a time towards growth.

Get to know me.
Dive into the detail. Check out my journey so far.
Marais Viljoen High School
NSC. National Senior Certificate | 2019
During my Matric year, I received a merit award for Life Orientation and English Home Language. Additionally, I received recognition for the best grade 12 pupil in English Home Language with the highest average.
57.00 %
70.00 %
Sciences (Physics and Chemistry)
58.00 %
Life Sciences (Biology)
76.00 %
Life Orientation
80.00 %
English Home Language
75.00 %
Afrikaans (FAL)
59.00 %
Mark %
Mark %
School Cultural.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Cultural Area 1
Level achieved 1
Description sport 1
Cultural Area 2
Level achieved 2
Description sport 2
School Sport.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Sport 1
Level achieved 1
Description sport 1
Sport 2
Level achieved 2
Description sport 2
School Outreach.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Outreach Area 1
Description outreach 1
Outreach Area 2
Description outreach 2
School Awards.
Getting recognised.
Marais Viljoen Floating Trophy
Received the Marais Viljoen Floating trophy for the best grade 12 pupil in English
Home Language with an average of 82.29%
Award 2
Description award 2
Other Things to Note.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Description award 2
School Leadership.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Leadership 1
Award achieved 1
Description leadership 1
Leadership 2
Description leadership 2
Award achieved 2
Work Experience.
Entering the working world.
Immersion programme participant
2023-10-31 - 2024-1-30
Managed financial transactions and maintained accurate records of income and expenses of various companies. The following are the skills I gained:
-Skill of paying attention to detail
-Organisational skills
Transaction Capital
2022-7-9 - 2022-8-14
The programme provided exposure to business models and executive management teams from the group executive office, SA Taxi, WeBuy Cars and Transaction Capital Risk Services.
The following are the skills I acquired:
-Commercial Acumen
-Presentation skills
-Entrepreneurial ability and;
Courses Completed.
Ticking the boxes.
Artificial Intelligence Short Learning Programme
Financial Literacy
NICE Virtual Exchange Programme
University of Edinburgh
University of Johannesburg
University of Johannesburg
Developed a sustainable business idea.
Completed modules on intercultural competence and entrepreneurship.
Practiced teamwork and created a business model canvas.
This course focused on essential financial principles which included budgeting, saving, investing and debt management. Practical tools were provided to help in making informed financial decisions and building long-term financial stability.
The course provided foundational knowledge of AI covering key concepts such as machine learning, natural language processing and neutral networks. Emphasis is placed on the application of AI in various industries as well as ethical considerations in AI development and the potential impact AI has on society and businesses.
Entrepreneurial Pursuits.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Company Name
Not applicable for this candidate.
Language 1
Proficiency 1
Language 2
Proficiency 2
Language 3
Proficiency 3
Not applicable for this candidate.
Skill 1
Proficiency 1
Skill 2
Proficiency 2
Skill 3
Proficiency 3
Other Things to Note.
Not applicable for this candidate.
University Academic.
Undergraduate Degree
University of Johannesburg
Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting
Academic Average: 75.00%
Graduation Date: 2023-2-27
Received the Golden Key International Honours Society award for being one of the top 15% performing students in my undergraduate programme.
Postgraduate Degree
University of Johannesburg
Postgraduate Diploma in Financial Management
Academic Average: 56.00%
Graduation Date: 2024-12-30
Award Info Postgraduate
Masters Degree
Masters University
Masters Degree Name
Mark %
Graduation Date
Award Info Masters
University Cultural.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Cultural Area 1
Level achieved 1
Description sport 1
Cultural Area 2
Level achieved 2
Description sport 2
University Sport.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Sport 1
Level achieved 1
Description sport 1
Sport 2
Level achieved 2
Description sport 2
University Outreach.
Giving back.
NICE Virtual Programme: Cross cultural collaboration and digital engagement
NICE Summer School: Cultural exchange and hands on collaboration
Network for Intercultural Competence to facilitate Entrepreneurship.
Engaged in virtual teamwork with students from different international backgrounds, collaborating on different global challenges and forming intercultural communication skills in a digital environment.
Network for Intercultural Competence to facilitate Entrepreneurship.
Participated in the in-person summer school in Krakow, Poland working directly with international students from different universities.
I completed 35 hours of teaching and group work to develop an innovative entrepreneurial idea addressing a global challenge.
Additionally, there was engagement in designing and presenting solutions in a collaborative environment.
University Awards.
Getting recognised.
Golden Key International Honours Society
Award 2
Received the award for being one of the top 15% top performing students in my undergraduate programme.
Description award 2
Other Things to Note.
Yes, there's more.
CIMA Strategic Group Project: Daistruk Logistics Company
Conducted a comprehensive SWOT analysis to identify opportunities for operational efficiency and growth.
Designed a financial strategy and delivered actionable recommendations to a simulated executive board.
Strengthened skills in management accounting, performance analysis, and financial risk assessment through hands-on collaboration.
University Leadership.
Taking Charge.
Mentor - Golden Key International Honours Society
Provided guidance, motivation and emotional support to first years to help them achieve their academic and personal objectives.
Awards: Recognised for leadership and commitment as a mentor in supporting first-year students, contributing to their personal development through guidance and peer support.
Team Leader - Business Plan Development for a Startup
Award achieved 2
Lead the group in first year in creating a business plan for a startup, facilitating collaboration with the company and managing project tasks to ensure timely completion.
Need some more info? Feel free to download my documents below.
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