Cailin Pearce
I have a strong passion for finance and a commitment to learning. I thrive on challenges and take pride in my work ethic. I am excited to grow my skills, with the goal of not only advancing my own career but also making a positive impact on others.

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Camps Bay High School
NSC. National Senior Certificate | 2019
Academic Colours in Matric
64.00 %
Sciences (Physics and Chemistry)
73.00 %
Dramatic Arts
86.00 %
Business Studies
80.00 %
English Home Language
81.00 %
Afrikaans (FAL)
75.00 %
Life Orientation
89.00 %
Mark %
Mark %
School Cultural.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Cultural Area 1
Level achieved 1
Description sport 1
Cultural Area 2
Level achieved 2
Description sport 2
School Sport.
Putting runs on the board.
School A team
Team of the Year 2019
School Merit for Soccer- being in the first team for 2 or more years
Athletics 3000m
School A team
Competed at the Western Province trials and went to the 2nd round of competition.
School Outreach.
Giving back.
Interact society
The goal and purpose of the interact society was to help the communities and societies around us with a focus on social change. We ran many CANSA drives, Santa shoe box, women’s day sanitary product drive, drives for fires or flooding in areas, community outreach in old age homes and crèches in undeveloped areas. I was an active member and in 2018-2019 I was the head of Marketing for the society and I was on the society’s committee.
I received a school merit for Interact (2 or years apart of a school society)
Outreach Area 2
Description outreach 2
School Awards.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Award 1
Description award 1
Award 2
Description award 2
Other Things to Note.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Description award 2
School Leadership.
Taking Charge.
Deputy Head Prefect
Award achieved 1
I was in charge of organising all events run by the prefect body- everything needed to be well planned and organised before the event to ensure the smooth execution. I also helped maintain discipline, ensured clear communication among students, staff, and prefects, and represented the school at various events. Overall, I aimed to be a proactive and dependable leader, contributing to the smooth running of the school and the well-being of the student body.
Leadership 2
Description leadership 2
Award achieved 2
Work Experience.
Entering the working world.
Head Waitress
Papinos Restaurant
2019-8-13 - 2021-5-14
Onyx Educate
2022-8-7 - 2023-13-13
Courses Completed.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Course Name 3
Course Name 2
Course Name 1
Course Provider
Date Completed
Course Provider
Date Completed
Course Provider
Date Completed
Entrepreneurial Pursuits.
Starting up, Start Ups.
MTB Challenge Run
Charity outreach
2020-11-1 - 2023-1-9
Not applicable for this candidate.
Language 1
Proficiency 1
Language 2
Proficiency 2
Language 3
Proficiency 3
Upskilling, my skills.
Skill 1
Proficiency 1
Bloomberg software
Other Things to Note.
Not applicable for this candidate.
University Academic.
Undergraduate Degree
University of Stellenbosch
Bachelor of Commerce in Management sciences
Academic Average: 69.00%
Graduation Date: 2022-12-7
Award Info Undergraduate
Postgraduate Degree
University of Stellenbosch
Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Business Management specialising in Financial Management
Academic Average: 69.00%
Graduation Date: 2023-12-13
Award Info Postgraduate
Masters Degree
Masters University
Masters Degree Name
Mark %
Graduation Date
Award Info Masters
University Cultural.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Cultural Area 1
Level achieved 1
Description sport 1
Cultural Area 2
Level achieved 2
Description sport 2
University Sport.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Sport 1
Level achieved 1
Description sport 1
Sport 2
Level achieved 2
Description sport 2
University Outreach.
Giving back.
Outreach Area 2
It is an environmental society so I attended gardening sessions, environmental talks and debates, fundraisers etc. all with different environmental problems that are trying to be addressed
Description outreach 2
University Awards.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Award 1
Award 2
Description award 1
Description award 2
Other Things to Note.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Description other
University Leadership.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Leadership 1
Description leadership 1
Award achieved 1
Leadership 2
Award achieved 2
Description leadership 2
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