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Blessed Brita Masunika
I'm an aspiring CA(SA) and hoping to be the impact player you are looking for.

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High School
United Church School
NSC. National Senior Certificate | 2018
Mathematics top 3
Accounting top 3
Learner top 5 badges
73.00 %
62.00 %
Life Sciences (Biology)
68.00 %
Sciences (Physics and Chemistry)
52.00 %
Life Orientation
81.00 %
English Home Language
64.00 %
Afrikaans (FAL)
51.00 %
Mark %
Mark %
School Cultural.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Cultural Area 1
Level achieved 1
Description sport 1
Cultural Area 2
Level achieved 2
Description sport 2
School Sport.
Putting runs on the board.
School A team
Debate Coach
Sport 2
Level achieved 2
Description sport 2
School Outreach.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Outreach Area 1
Description outreach 1
Outreach Area 2
Description outreach 2
School Awards.
Getting recognised.
Award 1
Description award 1
Award 2
Description award 2
Other Things to Note.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Description award 2
School Leadership.
Taking Charge.
Learner Representative Council
Awards: Learner Representative Council
Debate Coach
Engaging in training and development programs to improve leadership, communication, and organizational skills.
Participating in community service and outreach programs that enhance the relationship between the school and the wider community.
Mediating disputes among students and promoting a positive and inclusive school environment.
Serving as role models for fellow students by demonstrating leadership qualities and upholding school values and standards.
Leadership 2
Description leadership 2
Award achieved 2
Work Experience.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Company Role
Company Role
Company Name
Company Name
Courses Completed.
Ticking the boxes.
Become an External
Auditor – External Audit
Process level 1.
Intro to Audit Sampling and
GAAP Reporting
Microsoft Office Specialist: Excel Associate (2019)
Mark Obtained: 82%
1. Manage Worksheets and Workbooks
Create and Manage Workbooks: Creating new workbooks, importing files, and setting up workbook properties.
Navigate in Worksheets and Workbooks: Navigating through worksheets and workbooks, moving and copying data within and between workbooks.
Format Worksheets and Workbooks: Changing workbook themes, adjusting page setup, and customizing options for printing.
Customize Options and Views for Worksheets and Workbooks: Customizing views by creating custom views, freezing panes, and using split windows.
Configure Worksheets and Workbooks for Distribution: Managing workbook versions, protecting worksheets and workbooks, and setting up sharing options.
2. Manage Data Cells and Ranges
Insert Data in Cells and Ranges: Entering data manually, using AutoFill, and employing Flash Fill.
Format Cells and Ranges: Applying cell formats, using conditional formatting, and utilizing cell styles.
Summarize and Organize Data: Sorting and filtering data, applying named ranges, and using structured references in tables.
Outline and Group Data: Creating and managing data outlines, grouping data, and using subtotals.
3. Manage Tables and Table Data
Create and Manage Tables: Creating Excel tables from data ranges, managing table options, and converting tables back to ranges.
Manage Table Styles and Options: Applying and modifying table styles, and using table styles options for headers and totals.
Filter and Sort a Table: Filtering table data, sorting data by multiple columns, and removing duplicate records.
4. Perform Operations with Formulas and Functions
Insert References: Using relative, absolute, and mixed references in formulas, and referring to other worksheets.
Calculate and Transform Data: Using basic arithmetic operations, implementing date and time functions, and performing text transformations with text functions.
Format and Modify Text: Using functions to format text, manipulating text with functions like LEFT, RIGHT, MID, CONCATENATE, and using TEXTJOIN.
Use Functions to Summarize Data: Employing functions like SUM, AVERAGE, MIN, MAX, COUNT, COUNTA, and using SUMIF, AVERAGEIF, COUNTIF for conditional summaries.
5. Create Charts and Objects
Create Charts: Inserting charts, choosing the appropriate chart type, and customizing chart elements like titles, labels, and legends.
Format Charts: Applying chart styles and layouts, customizing chart colours, and modifying chart data.
Insert and Format Objects: Adding and formatting objects such as shapes, text boxes, images, and SmartArt graphics. Managing object properties and arrangements.
Identifying and describing the work and evidence obtained by the auditor and others required to meet the objectives of audit engagements and the application of the International Standards.
Learning the concept of auditing and assurance functions, corporate governance, including ethics and professional conduct
Analyzed financial statements, identifying material risks and developing
effective risk assessment procedures. Designed audit programs and
sampling plans to ensure compliance with auditing standards and gather
appropriate evidence. Conducted substantive testing procedures, including
analytical review and testing of internal controls, and documented findings
according to professional standards. Presented audit results and
recommendations to stakeholders, showcasing strong communication
skills. Participated in post-engagement discussions to evaluate audit
procedures and identify areas for improvement, contributing to the
enhancement of overall audit effectiveness.
Entrepreneurial Pursuits.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Company Name
Not applicable for this candidate.
Language 1
Proficiency 1
Language 2
Proficiency 2
Language 3
Proficiency 3
Not applicable for this candidate.
Skill 1
Proficiency 1
Skill 2
Proficiency 2
Skill 3
Proficiency 3
Other Things to Note.
Not applicable for this candidate.
University Academic.
Undergraduate Degree
Bachelor of Accounting sciences in Financial accounting degree
Academic Average: 65.00%
Graduation Date: 2024-12-9
Award Info Undergraduate
Postgraduate Degree
Postgraduate University
Postgraduate Degree Name
Mark %
Graduation Date
Award Info Postgraduate
Masters Degree
Masters University
Masters Degree Name
Mark %
Graduation Date
Award Info Masters
University Cultural.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Cultural Area 1
Level achieved 1
Description sport 1
Cultural Area 2
Level achieved 2
Description sport 2
University Sport.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Sport 1
Level achieved 1
Description sport 1
Sport 2
Level achieved 2
Description sport 2
University Outreach.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Outreach Area 1
Outreach Area 2
Description outreach 1
Description outreach 2
University Awards.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Award 1
Award 2
Description award 1
Description award 2
Other Things to Note.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Description other
University Leadership.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Leadership 1
Description leadership 1
Award achieved 1
Leadership 2
Award achieved 2
Description leadership 2
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