Alunga Madala
Many see communication as a "soft" skill, meanwhile it is the make-or-break factor in organisations. I believe you are only as good as you can communicate. Thus, knowledge of ISA and IFRS standards can only be valuable when a team can use them.

Get to know me.
Dive into the detail. Check out my journey so far.
Hilton College
IEB: Independent Examinations Board | 2020
- Academic Honours for sustained academic excellence throughout my time at Hilton.
- Top 7 Overall in Grade 11 at the end of 2021.
81.00 %
85.00 %
Life Orientation
86.00 %
Information Technology (IT)
85.00 %
English Home Language
83.00 %
isiZulu Home Language
84.00 %
89.00 %
Mark %
Mark %
School Cultural.
Embracing the finer things.
Deputy Head of Choir
School A team
Cultural Honours
Dramatic Arts
School A Team
The Richard Haines Memorial Prize for Most Outstanding Performance
(West Side Story 2019)
Cultural Honours
School Sport.
Putting runs on the board.
School A team
Sports Half-colours
Sport 2
Level achieved 2
Description sport 2
School Outreach.
Giving back.
The Hilton College Library
For 3 years, I was part of the library monitoring team that would monitor the library in the evenings to enable boys an inclusive environment conducive to learning in the library. I was thus awarded a service tie for 30+ cumulative hours of service to the college.
The President's Award
A youth development programme designed to afford young people experiences outside the classroom to become committed, responsible, and fulfilled citizens of the world. I was required to complete various activities over a set period of time in order to earn the Award. The award typically is signed by The Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip, and Mr President Cyril Ramaphosa.
School Awards.
Getting recognised.
Headmasters Leadership Award
I was awarded this accolade by adding value to the school in my areas of responsibility and leaving a valuable legacy, developing and valuing people through encouragement and affirmation, building the community through strong personal relationships, maintaining integrity and trust by being open and accountable and by serving others' needs, being strongly committed to the school, its values, mission and well-being and being a significant and positive influence within the school.
Cultural Honours
I was awarded this for my sustained contribution and excellence in the Hilton College Competition Choir and Vocal Ensemble throughout my time at Hilton.
Other Things to Note.
Yes, there's more.
I was president of the Gavel Club (junior Toastmasters or public speaking) where we would deliver speeches every week as part of public speaking training.
School Leadership.
Taking Charge.
Head of Newnham House.
Awards: Headmasters Leadership Award for Outstanding Leadership
Hilton College is an all-boys boarding school and thus each of the seven houses is assigned a leadership team (the matric dorm comprising of +-sixteen grade 12 students) to lead and manage the operations of the house from administrative duties to leading each grade 8, grade 9, and grade 10 dorm, among other things.
I was in charge of overseeing and managing the matrics and the house as a whole alongside the housemaster, leading through respect, compassion, commitment and servanthood - all values instilled by the culture of the college.
Leadership 2
Description leadership 2
Award achieved 2
Work Experience.
Entering the working world.
Company Role
Company Role
Company Name
Company Name
Courses Completed.
Ticking the boxes.
Course Name 3
Course Name 2
Course Name 1
Course Provider
Date Completed
Course Provider
Date Completed
Course Provider
Date Completed
Entrepreneurial Pursuits.
Starting up, Start Ups.
Company Name
Not applicable for this candidate.
Language 1
Proficiency 1
Language 2
Proficiency 2
Language 3
Proficiency 3
Upskilling, my skills.
Skill 1
Proficiency 1
Skill 2
Proficiency 2
Skill 3
Proficiency 3
Other Things to Note.
Not applicable for this candidate.
University Academic.
Undergraduate Degree
BCom Accounting Sciences
Mark %
Graduation Date: 2025-10-30
Award Info Undergraduate
Postgraduate Degree
Postgraduate University
Postgraduate Degree Name
Mark %
Graduation Date
Award Info Postgraduate
Masters Degree
Masters University
Masters Degree Name
Mark %
Graduation Date
Award Info Masters
University Cultural.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Cultural Area 1
Level achieved 1
Description sport 1
Cultural Area 2
Level achieved 2
Description sport 2
University Sport.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Sport 1
Level achieved 1
Description sport 1
Sport 2
Level achieved 2
Description sport 2
University Outreach.
Giving back.
Outreach Area 1
Outreach Area 2
Description outreach 1
Description outreach 2
University Awards.
Not applicable for this candidate.
Award 1
Award 2
Description award 1
Description award 2
Other Things to Note.
Yes, there's more.
Description other
University Leadership.
Taking Charge.
Leadership 1
Description leadership 1
Award achieved 1
Leadership 2
Award achieved 2
Description leadership 2
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